World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery

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VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2018 ) > List of Articles


Laparoscopy in Developing Countries: A Resident-friendly Endo-Lap New Training Device

Keywords : Developing country, Endoscopy, Laparoscopy, Training device.

Citation Information : Laparoscopy in Developing Countries: A Resident-friendly Endo-Lap New Training Device. World J Lap Surg 2018; 11 (1):54-57.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1335

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2008

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2018; The Author(s).


Introduction: Surgery via minimal access is the beauty of a surgical procedure. With minimal access, besides less pain and early return to activity for the patient, the surgeon also feels fulfilled. Minimal access surgery is currently gaining ground in developing countries. Training devices to achieve this especially for residents are not only scarce but expensive also in developing economies. Aim: The aim of this study is to present a new resident-friendly training device for laparoscopy with the hope of improving residents’ training in developing countries. Materials and methods: A normal television monitor, camera, and bucket with cover is used to design an Endo-Lap trainer. Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy conduits are also incorporated in this device. Conclusion: Surgery using minimal access technique can be aided with a training device made locally to achieve costeffective and wider training benefits.

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