World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery

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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles


A Comparative Study between Open Appendicectomy and Laparoscopic Appendicectomy: A Single-center Experience

Vikram Yogish, Himanshi Grover, Velineni Bharath

Citation Information : Yogish V, Grover H, Bharath V. A Comparative Study between Open Appendicectomy and Laparoscopic Appendicectomy: A Single-center Experience. World J Lap Surg 2021; 14 (3):205-207.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1468

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 05-03-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Appendicitis is a surgical emergency that is encountered by surgeons all over the world. Today, laparoscopic appendicectomy is the ideal procedure that is done for a case of appendicitis. Aim: The aim of the study is to show the benefits of laparoscopic appendicectomy and to determine the advantages of laparoscopic appendicectomy over the conventional open method of appendicectomy. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study that was carried out from March 2016 to February 2019. The study was conducted at SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India. Investigations, such as complete blood count (CBC), X-ray of the abdomen, ultrasound abdomen, and CT scan of the abdomen, were done. A total of 101 patients were studied, and the results obtained were tabulated. The statistics were analyzed using SPSS package 16.0. Ethical clearance was obtained from the institutional ethics committee. Results: From our study, it was found that for most of the patients who presented with appendicitis, laparoscopic appendicectomy was the procedure of choice (66.33%). The duration of surgery for most of our patients was 60 minutes or less. Moreover, 82.35% of patients who underwent open appendicectomy and 89.55% of patients who underwent laparoscopic appendicectomy stayed in the hospital for only 3 days or less after surgery. Conclusion: Our study shows the benefits of laparoscopic appendicectomy and the reason that it is the procedure of choice in cases of appendicitis.

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