Keywords :
Acute abdomen, Blunt and penetrating trauma, Laparoscopy in emergency, Ruptured hydatid, Splenic laceration
Citation Information :
Goyal B, Jakhmola CK, Remanidevi SB, Singh A. Laparoscopy in Three Cases of Unusual Abdominal Emergencies: Report and Literature Review. World J Lap Surg 2023; 16 (1):43-46.
Common abdominal emergencies like acute appendicitis, acute pancreatitis, hollow viscus perforation, and diverticulitis are being managed with laparoscopy.
We here present three cases of unusual abdominal emergencies which were managed successfully by laparoscopy at a tertiary care center.
These cases are of anaphylactic shock due to hepatic hydatid cyst with free peritoneal rupture, upper GI bleeds due to early gastric volvulus in a patient with a posttraumatic left-sided diaphragmatic hernia and the last case was a patient of blunt abdominal trauma with splenic laceration with hypotension. The postoperative course was very satisfying and possibly laparotomy was avoided in all cases.
We reviewed the literature on the role of laparoscopy in acute abdominal conditions.
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