World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery

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VOLUME 18 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2025 ) > List of Articles


Robotic Surgery from Earth to Space!

Fatima Alharmoodi, Mohammed Alblooshi, Mahdi Al-Taher, Shadi Al-Bahri

Keywords : Da Vinci robotic surgery, Emergency surgery, Robotic

Citation Information : Alharmoodi F, Alblooshi M, Al-Taher M, Al-Bahri S. Robotic Surgery from Earth to Space!. World J Lap Surg 2025; 18 (1):42-44.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1642

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 16-12-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2025; The Author(s).


Robotic surgery is an innovation that has yielded a multitude of applications within the realm of surgery. This approach has allowed for the performance of more complex procedures with the promise of improved outcomes. Although the availability of this surgical operating system depends on market and financial elements within healthcare organizations, it has shown its value in clinical practice. This ranges from reduced complication rates resulting in decreased hospital stay and return to baseline activity. The ability to operate this system remotely is fascinating and can allow the involvement of experts from around the world. We aim to shed light on the value of robotic surgery, particularly when it comes to the surgical management of patients participating in missions in outer space.

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