Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy versus Open Radical Hysterectomy for Carcinoma Cervix Stage 1
SB Naval
Citation Information :
Naval S. Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy versus Open Radical Hysterectomy for Carcinoma Cervix Stage 1. World J Lap Surg 2009; 2 (3):23-28.
The present review has considered good number of studies involving fair large number of patients operated with both modalities for carcinoma cervix stage 1. Minor differences in the operative techniques are ignored. Overall operation time for laparoscopic procedures was required more. Incidence of intraoperative complication was also higher in addition to inherent complications related to pneumoperitoneum. However, results in terms of disease free survival between the groups were comparable.
Advantages pertaining to reduced hospital stay and better cosmesis with laparoscopic modality at present do not outweigh the higher incidence of intraoperative complication than that in open radical hysterectomy group.
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