VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2009 ) > List of Articles
Majid A Hamood
Citation Information : Hamood MA. Different Port Closure Techniques in Laparoscopy Surgery. World J Lap Surg 2009; 2 (3):29-38.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10007-1033
Published Online: 01-04-2012
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2009; The Author(s).
Any new surgical procedure, face a new technical challenges, although minimally invasive surgery cause evident reduction of the pain to the patient postoperatively, with better cosmesis, but with time, new challenges appears. One of challenges is port closure techniques, in order to prevent the trocar site hernias and other complications. The aim of this study to review and list different techniques used for closure of the trocar sites. A literature search was performed for articles and text books dealing with techniques of closure. The author searched this subject using Medline and the search engine Google, Springerlink and High wire Press. The following search term were used; port site closure techniques. Review, All articles reporting techniques with their references were reviewed with some text books. In this literature review we described many techniques in addition to classical closure using curved needles, including Grice needle, Maciol-needles, endoclose device. Carter-Thomason device, Tahoe ligature device, Endo-Judge device, exit puncture closure device, Owsley retractor, spinal cord needles, dual hemostat, Veress needle loop technique, suture carrier, Riverdin and Deschamps needles, and Gore-Tex closure device. Semm's emergency needle with adistal eyelet; the modified Veress needle with a slit made in the retractable brunt tip; dental awl with aneye; prolene 2/0 on a straight needle aided by a Veress needle; a straight needle armed with suture; Auto stitch (United States Surgical), a modified Veress needle bearing a crochet hook at the tip. Foley catheter threaded through the port hole forthe elevation of fascial edge upon traction; fish-hook needle improvised out of a hypodermic needle by bending it 180°; Grooved director; U-shaped purse-string suture placed in the fascia around the port hole. Although there are different techniques used to close the trocar site, all of them are effective in closing the defect in the fascial layers of the abdominal wall, two main groups of techniques were found.