The Role of Laparoscopy in the Management of Gynecologic Surgical Emergencies: A Review of Literature
Andrew Kilonzo
Citation Information :
Kilonzo A. The Role of Laparoscopy in the Management of Gynecologic Surgical Emergencies: A Review of Literature. World J Lap Surg 2010; 3 (3):127-130.
Minimal access surgery is increasingly becoming the preferred approach to surgical treatment. Experience in the last 15 to 20 years has established the efficacy and indeed safety of laparoscopic surgery in general surgical and gynecologic practice.
Laparoscopic treatment in acute gynecologic emergencies raises questions of safety and feasibility when compared to open laparotomy.
The objective of this study was to review the literature on the use of laparoscopy in the treatment of gynecologic emergencies so as to determine its role in current and future practice.
The findings of this study indicate that laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic emergencies is feasible and safe. Further studies are needed to establish the safety of laparoscopic surgery for nonobstetric emergencies in late pregnancy.
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