Presently due to technological advances, operative laparoscopy now plays a crucial role in the management of pelvic malignancies. With newly developed techniques to complete both pelvic and para-aortic lymph node dissection, the use of the laparoscope has increased in patients with pelvic malignancies. Gynecological oncologists are currently incorporating the techniques of operative laparoscopy in the management of patients with cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancer.
To review literature on the role of minimal invasive surgery in various gynecological cancers.
Materials and methods
These were drawn from previous research materials online in PubMed, Cochrane library, Wikipedia.
Minimal invasive surgical approaches to the management of gynecologic malignancies are feasible and provide exciting alternatives. However, the safety and efficacy of these techniques compared to laparotomy in this setting has not been carefully studied. Potential advantages include shorter operative time for some procedures, shorter recovery times, and less adhesion formation. These new surgical techniques need to be evaluated critically and compared to more traditional approaches.
How to cite this article
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