Citation Information :
Alsadi B. Ectopic Pregnancy: Laparoscopic Conservative Treatment and Laparoscopic Salpingotomy. World J Lap Surg 2018; 11 (3):138-146.
Objective: Whether a laparoscopic salpingostomy should be done or a salpingectomy for surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. Materials and methods: Literature examining and review the impact of recent advances in the diagnosis and laparoscopic conservative treatment of ectopic tubal pregnancy. Articles published in English language using the following search engines: Medline, Pubmed, Medscape, and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Results: The choice of salpingostomy or salpingectomy relies upon many factors and includes shared decision-making between the surgeon and patient. Laparoscopic surgery remains the “gold standard” in majority of women. Conclusion: There is some evidence to suggest that future fertility outcomes are slightly improved after tubal conservation at surgery in comparison with salpingectomy. As the incidence of ectopic pregnancy continues to rise in a population that will likely desire future fertility, early diagnosis is key in facilitating safe utilization of more conservative management in the hope of preserving tubal function and reproductive potential.
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