Laparoscopic Retrieval of a Migrated Intrauterine Contraceptive Device
Eftekhar Hassan Al-Ojaimi, Shafeeqa Ali Ebrahim
Citation Information :
Al-Ojaimi EH, Ebrahim SA. Laparoscopic Retrieval of a Migrated Intrauterine Contraceptive Device. World J Lap Surg 2020; 13 (2):84-86.
Introduction: Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) migration consequent to perforation of the uterus is not very common, but is one of the more serious complications. Case descriptions: We described two cases of migrated IUCD, at two distinct sites in the pelvic cavity, one was located in the pouch of Douglas embedded behind the left ovary and tube which was adherent to the posterior uterine wall and another was in the left mesovarium between the ovary and the tube. Both IUCDs were successfully removed laparoscopically without any complication. Conclusion: Migrated IUCDs should always be removed once the diagnosis is made to prevent serious complications. Laparoscopic approach is a successful and preferred choice of treatment in selected cases.
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