Citation Information :
Kassa EM, Weldetensaye EK. Prolapse of Tinea Coli of the Sigmoid Colon through a Perforated Uterus Following Manual Vacuum Aspiration: A Case Report. World J Lap Surg 2024; 17 (3):178-180.
Introduction: When performed by a skilled provider appropriately, induced abortion is a very safe medical procedure. However, a series of complications such as uterine perforation can still occur rarely.
Case presentation: We present a case of tinea coli evisceration through a uterine perforation that occurred during a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) procedure for uterine evacuation. The case presented with crampy lower abdominal pain 2 days after she had an MVA procedure for an incomplete abortion. The diagnosis of uterine perforation was considered on ultrasonography (USG) examination. Explorative laparoscopy was subsequently done and a posterior uterine wall perforation of ~2 cm was identified. A tinea coli of the sigmoid colon was seen sucked into the uterus through the perforation but no wall of the colon was lacerated or sucked in. The tinea coli was pulled out and the uterine defect was repaired laparoscopically.
Conclusion: This unique case, the first of its kind to be reported to our knowledge, could be a reminder to consider tinea coli evisceration in suspected uterine perforation but without typical manifestations of bowel injury.
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