The documentation of this case report about ovarian inguinal hernia is to create awareness about this rare entity.
A 40-year-old female was referred to the Department of Surgery from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with complaints of pain and swelling in the left groin region and a history of secondary infertility. Physical examination revealed an inguinal hernia with irreducible contents and no features of obstruction or strangulation. Sonography confirmed the left inguinal hernia with the ovary as the content. The patient was taken up for laparoscopic repair.
Ovarian inguinal hernias are commonly present in the pediatric population and are associated with congenital anomalies of the female genital tract and are rarely present in women of reproductive age-group.
This study aims to create awareness of the possibility of ovarian inguinal hernia which should be kept in mind when a female patient presents with an irreducible groin swelling. Uncomplicated hernias are amenable to laparoscopic repair.
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