Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology
Mohammed Khairy Ali, Ahmed Yehia Abdelbadee, Ahmed Mohammed Abbas, Sherif Abdel-Karim Mohammed Shazly
Citation Information :
Ali MK, Abdelbadee AY, Abbas AM, Shazly SA. Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology. World J Lap Surg 2012; 5 (3):121-127.
To provide a review in the available literature in laparoendoscopic single site surgery in gynecological oncology, focusing on epidemiology of ovarian and endometrial cancer in reproductive age, role of minimally invasive surgery in the management of ovarian and endometrial cancer and laparoendoscopic single site surgery elective oophorectomy and risk-reducing oophorectomy. Finally, laparoendoscopic singlesite surgery for ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Literature survey.
Laparoscopy is a safe and effective approach for surgical staging and treatment of selected patients with endometrial and ovarian cancer. Further studies and analyses are required to determine if the use of robotics improves outcomes over standard laparoscopy and can extend the benefits of minimally invasive surgery to a larger proportion of patients with this common gynecologic malignancy.
How to cite this article
Ali MK, Abdelbadee AY, Mohammed Abbas A, Abdel-Karim Mohammed Shazly S. Laparoendoscopic Single-Site Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology. World J Lap Surg 2012;5(3):121-127.
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