VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles
Suman Lata Mendiratta, Meenakshi Mittal, Prabha Kumari
Citation Information : Mendiratta SL, Mittal M, Kumari P. Role of Hysteroscopy in Gynecological Conditions. World J Lap Surg 2014; 7 (3):129-132.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10033-1233
Published Online: 01-06-2010
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).
Hysteroscopy offers a valuable extension of the gynecologist armamentarium, as uterine cavity can be explored in detail for making exact diagnosis. Hysteroscopy can be used for diagnosis as well as management of various gynecological problems. A study was conducted to evaluate the role of hysteroscopy in gynecological conditions. A prospective clinical study was conducted in the Department of Gynecology, Hindu Rao Hospital. Total 69 patients with abnormal uterine bleeding attending gynecology outpatient department were selected and subjected to hysteroscopic examination after detail history, examination and consent. Subjects were divided into six groups as per their history and examination. In group I (DUB) 40.5%, in group II (infertility) 21.7%, in group III (postmenopausal bleeding) 11.6%, in group IV (suspected leiomyoma) 11.6%, in group V (lost IUCD) 7.3% and in group VI (secondary amenorrhea) 7.3% patients were there. Abnormal hysteroscopic findings were observed as follows, in group I: 85.71%, group II: 80%, group III: 80%, group IV: 62.5%, group V: 60%, group VI: 60% had. Out of 69 patients, in 73.91% patient's intrauterine pathology was seen on hysteroscopic examination. In our study commonest cause of abnormal blee- ding was endometrial hyperplasia (28.5%), endometrial polyp (18%), proliferative endometrium (28.59%), endocervical polyp (3.6%), submucous myoma (3.6%) and atrophic endometrium (3.6%) patients. In patients with lost IUCD, removal of IUCD was done and adhesionolysis was performed in patient with secondary amenorrhea. Hysteroscopy is simple, safe, quick, and economical technique which allows exploration of uterine cavity in precise manner with speed and safety. Diagnostic and operative procedures can be performed in the same time. Arora P, Mendiratta SL, Mittal M, Kumari P. Role of Hysteroscopy in Gynecological Conditions. World J Lap Surg 2014;7(3):129-132.